Hola!!!! I'm Mrs. Mcknight

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Classroom objects

Austin dice:  Tengo dos reglas.  I have 2 rulers.
Hannah dice:  Tengo tres lapices.  I have 3 pencils. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

En el campo - In the country

 Caiden dice:  En tu  casa hay un perro?
 Caroline dice:  No, en la casa no hay perro.

Caiden says:  Is there a dog in your house?
Caroline says:  No, there's no dog in the house.
Mary Scott dice:  En tu casa hay un perro?
Katie dice:  Si, en mi casa hay un perro.

Mary Scott:  Is there a dog in your house?
Katie:  Yes, there's a dog in my house.